Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life of a pipeliner's wife!

“Life of a pipeliner’s wife”
It is in their blood and any pipeliner's wife will tell you. We put up with the lifestyle because we love our pipeliners and because they love their jobs. They are working their fingers to the bone, so that their family can have what they need. Sometimes all we want is them at home beside us. It really doesn’t get to us until the kids are in the bed. The house is quiet and we are going to bed alone again. When something breaks and we are sitting down in a puddle of water that is shooting out of a pipe under the sink, and we cant figure out why or how to make it stop. We strap on his tool belt and say to ourselves "I can do this how hard can it be?" Then we find out just how hard it really is. We call him mad because we couldn’t fix it, and he is 8 hours away in some town that we’ve never heard of. We are the strongest women, mothers, and wives you will ever meet. We keep the home fires burning while he is away, and still manage to wrap our arms around him when he is home and pray that time will just stand still so that we can hold him just a little while longer. But time flies and he is gone back to the pipeline and we are laying there in that big bed all alone sleeping with the cell phone again. It is going on a month since he has been home and the kids are crying because they miss him. She is crying because she misses him. If you ask a pipeliner's wife would she have it any other way with tears in her eyes she would say "no cuz there ain't nothing finer than a pipeliner!"
By Shellie Nutt

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  1. I just read your post about a Pipeliners wife. I will admit it brought me to tears...I am not a pipeliners wife yet. But been the girlfriend of one for 3 yrs. And it was so comforting to know there are other ladies out there living my same life! And I could not have said it better its all worth it because he is the greatest man I have ever met and I although sometime I wish it was different I would not change anything!

  2. I absolutley love your blog! I too am a pipeliners wife and can completely relate to this!

  3. I recently became a Pipeliner gf its hard inwould love advice and to hear your stories 9564370782
